First off, I gotta say Peace to DJ Low Key for working his ass off throughout the year with the Redbull Music Academy so when dope shows come through like Redbull's Big Tune the Solution has first dibbs at working with the acts involved. Second, I wanna give a shout to DJ Vajra and DJ Psycho who had to go head to head in the semi finals last night @ Big Tune. The whole night was filled with free drinks tickets and screaming at the top of your lungs...From what I remember at least. Finally I hope to catch everyone out this Friday for what is guaranteed history. No Cover for this show either.
If your not familiar with how sick Exile is, now you know:
Make sure and take note of the Solution's schedule for July. This Friday is just the beginning of the strongest summer Low Key and I have put together yet.
This is my undisputed Summer Anthem. I never thought in a million years a band like The Virgins would make such a heavy dent in my rotations. Guess I'm all grown up. The posting is a little late because I had to finally take a break listening to it. The OG is a beast also, enjoy.
Just got done with my blog rounds after my morning ride was cancelled with a flat tire. Came up on this dude, Ced Hughes from Virginia Beach. Really feeling the production he's choosing to smash on, not to mention hes dead on with the raps. Peep game, and leave some feedback.
I don't consider myself a hipster, maybe a poser one at best, despite DJ Low Key persistently labeling me as one. Yes, mis pantolones have grown tighter and you might catch me with a five panel flip cap on at times. However, I have recently picked up a lil Prince single speed and made the conversion. Its a nice break from spending hours online downloading music and drinking beer. Here a some dope sites I found that are fixie related: